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of the lands & waters of Tiohtià:ke on which I serve.
514 839 8516
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Thana Doula
End of Life Doula | Grief

More details about my services
Support and advices
During these meetings we will talk about preparing for death, trying to understand the emotional and physical transformations linked to the end of life, planning how you want to approach this transition. We can, if you wish, use tools to manage stress and fear related to the unknown.
Legacy projects
Creating a legacy project is a wonderful and meaningful way to honour the life of a loved one. There are many creative ways to produce such a project, involving not just the dying person but the whole family. One can make a book telling the story of the person, a photo album, keepsake boxes, prepare letters, make a documentary style narration video, an audio recording with the stories of their life. It's a great way to highlight a person's life, with love and emotion, so that those around you can continue to perpetuate the story and the memory, for future generations. It's also a great way to say goodbye. Having been an audio-visual artist for more than a decade, I particularly like participating in these projects, from which I was able to personally benefit during the death of certain loved ones.
In-memoriam photography
As a photographer, I offer people at the end of life and their loved ones to make a photo report of the last moments, in order to offer loved ones unforgettable memories, which testify the love that reigned during these last shared moments.
Sometimes all you need is a companion. Someone who is a good listener, has compassion, and makes sure you don't go through this alone. Whether at the bedside of the dying person, or during a walk with a loved one in need of an ear, I am there to offer support and to share.
Advance planning
What is the advantage of planning our death in advance? Whether it's last wishes, funerals, or health care, it's essential to make those decisions as long as you're considered mentally fit to make those decisions. Remember to assign a spokesperson, who will act on your behalf in your best interest. We establish what is important to you and those around you. For example, where do you want to die? Do you prefer to be buried or cremated? What options are available to you. These are some of the things we can discuss together and it will certainly alleviate a lot of the stress associated with this topic. I am here to inform you of your rights, and your possibilities, as well as to ensure that you communicate your wishes if you find yourself in a situation of incapacity.
When one is weak, tired or vulnerable, it is difficult to defend one's own interests and wishes. I am available to speak and collaborate with the staff, as well as those around you, to ensure that your needs are met, that you are comfortable with every decision, and that you are always comfortable. These mediation discussions are also particularly important when certain conflicts may arise within the stressed, tired, and pained entourage. I am here to listen to them, comfort them and help them come together around the same objective: to respect YOUR wishes.
Living Funeral
Today, many people at the end of life wish to organize a "funeral" during their lifetime. A celebration of their life, in which they can participate, and witness the love that is brought to him. I can help you organize this event, and be your celebrant.
Organization of funerals & inter-spiritual funeral celebrations
You want a funeral in your image, take time to discuss what you want or not, collect messages, images, songs that you want to be presented during the celebration of your life. I can accompany you in this organization and even be a celebrant of this ceremony if you wish, in order to celebrate you while respecting your wishes and your beliefs.
In the final weeks, the days and hours of a dying person's life seem out of time, and the dying person may create a sacred space to invite those around them to gather around their bedside. The wake ceremony is planned and designed by the dying person and guided and assisted by the Thana Doula. I am here to bring help and support to those around you, to take over to ensure that you are never alone in the last moments. This service ensures a watch presence at the bedside, in blocks of a maximum duration of 6 hours (alternating with 6 hours of rest).
Support and guidance for children
Children understand death better than we think, and it is important for them to be able to talk about it with someone. Sometimes children avoid asking their parents so as not to cause more grief, so it can be a good idea to have a reference person available to ask all the questions and start thinking, to prepare the road to grief. Too many adults still tend to hide death from children. These conversations can be a challenge, which is why a Thana Doula can be a good, trusted ally.
Post-death retirement
Support from loved ones during and after the death of a loved one is essential. But life resumes, and for those grieving, this sudden state of being alone without the community to provide emotional support can create great loneliness.
Perinatal bereavement
As a birth doula, I have extensive perinatal experience and training. I accompany parents in pregnancy and birth, but sometimes life takes an inexplicable, unjust, unacceptable turn: that of the loss of a child. I accompany parents through mourning, whether during pregnancy, childbirth, in the process of miscarriage, termination of pregnancy as well as mourning following the loss of a child.
Follow-up visits
The work of a Thana Doula does not stop when the person at the end of life leaves us. Our work also consists of helping those around you to understand, accept and live peacefully through the stages surrounding death. I am therefore present to "unpack" the feelings and experiences with your entourage, following your departure, in order to ensure that they are well accompanied.